samedi, septembre 30, 2006

Francesco Javier Gose, Gazette do Bon Ton, Les Clairs Chapeaux d'Été, 1914

Found in Artophile.

Francesco Javier Gose, Gazette do Bon Ton, Suis-Je Belle Ce Soir, 1914

Found in Artophile.

Georges Lepape, Feuillets d'Art, Le Miroir Rouge, 1919

Found in Artophile.

vendredi, septembre 29, 2006

art nouveau

art nouveau, originally uploaded by nicephore.

Prague, Hotel Central

Georges Lepape, Art et Decoration, Design for a Menu Cover, 1913

Found in Artophile.

Georges Lepape, La Gazette du Bon Ton, Deux Costumes de Sport ,1913

Found in Artophile.

Georges Lepape, La Gazette du Bon Ton, Pour les Beaux Jours, 1914

Dancers from the musical play The Dairymaids, 1906

"Dancers from a musical play The Dairymaids (1906) demonstrate the fashionable S-bend shape, which was achieved by lacing women into metal or whalebone corsets. Pads placed on the hips and under the arms were used to emphasise a small, curved waist."

Scanned from "Decades of Fashion" by Harriet Worsley.

Comte Stanislas Ostorog dit Walery, Sarah Bernhardt


Constant Puyo, 1895

Constant Puyo, 1895, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

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